parakh hospital

Do Not Underestimate Them!

#Kidneys: Do Not Underestimate Them!
The normal functioning of kidneys is as crucial to our lives as water is to balance the equilibrium in our environment. It is the kidneys that help in regulating the environment within our bodies. Apart from regulating the environment by excreting waste products from the body the kidneys also help regulate the following functions in the body.
Maintaining Hemoglobin Levels
Maintaining Calcium and Phosphorus Levels (crucial for bone health)
Maintaining Acid-Base Metabolism in the body
So right from blood pH levels to the health of your bones to the toxicity level in your body- all the parameters rely on your kidneys. What is dangerous though is that all lifestyle diseases or metabolic diseases affect the functioning of our kidneys and yet we ignore the stress our kidneys undergo in such scenarios. Diabetes affects over 40% of the population in India over 40 years of age. We are known as the diabetes capital of the world and yet not as the kidney testing capital of the world.
A third of all adult Indians are hypertensive. High blood pressure severely damages the regulation functions of your kidneys and must not be ignored. These commonly seen lifestyle diseases can have a damaging impact on your kidneys which can lead to varied implications for your cardiovascular health. Having a failed kidney results in chances of an adverse cardiovascular event in the patient by a magnitude of 70x (not 70%).
If you have any of the common lifestyle disorders like diabetes and/ or hypertension kindly get your kidneys checked today. For any further questions please feel free to contact us.
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